Wednesday, August 29, 2007

P90X Workout Day 2 Plyometrics

They call it Plyometrics, check out the video on the P90X page half way down. I call it the devil in sheep's clothing :) After Chest & Back I figured ok, this workout starts out easy. We're doing a little jumping around, moving the legs, getting the heart going a bit, anything is better than the dozens of push ups and chin ups I did yesterday. Boy was I wrong!

Tony Horton (your instructor/guide) calls it the mother of all P90X workouts, and he wasn't kidding. The routine goes for 58 mins, I made it through 48 min. I was beat BIG TIME.

I was a bit disappointed in myself as I'm not one to quit but, if you're not used to getting exercise, the first week of the P9oX Workout can be brutal, which I have heard directly from other users. Plyometrics in a nutshell is a cardio workout that focuses on a ton of jumping and squatting moves, with the goal being to workout your hamstrings, gluts and build your stamina. You would be surprised how a little jumping can be so intense! So far the P90X workout is delivering as promised, I just need to hang in there until my body starts adjusting to this :) My tip for all those just getting into the P90X... Push yourself to hang in there as long as you can each day, but we all have a line, don't kill yourself, just push yourself. It's a tough adjustment at first, but you will adapt to the P90X — stick with it!

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

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