Saturday, August 18, 2007

P90X workout...Taking the Plunge

So I was up late last night after having a few drinks with friends and I see the P90X workout infomercial again. Now I'm definitely the type of guy that is always skeptical of these workout infomercials, but after having a short stint in "self improvement" a couple months ago (running and light weights) only to fall off the wagon, I figure hey why not try something that will push me hard but also put me on a real schedule with a real goal...enter the P90X Workout.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the P90X Workout System the goal is to go through 90 days of alternating workout routines, that apparently keep things varied enough that your body never gets used to the same exercises and thus never stops building muscle. The P90X folks call this "Muscle Confusion" how appropriate :). You can check this out for yourself, there is a blurb and a little video P90X (Muscle Confusion) But the thing is while I was jogging and lifting weights and trying to eat better, I did actually start to see some results after a month or two. The thing is if you eat right, make your body move around enough, and exert some energy, you will burn fat and build muscle, thats just the way the body works. So Why am I going to try the P90X workout, well one of the reasons I just stopped doing my own exercise routines was because it just got plain boring doing the same thing over and over again and, I want to see bigger results faster.

Now despite all of the hype and adverting for the P90X the bottom line is the workouts they have planned for you will get you sweating and they actually look interesting. The P90X workout system has been around for a while and seems like there is a following. There is a guy over at that is going all out and showing a day by day photo journal of sorts for the whole 90 days of the P90X, which is pretty intense in my book.

So I'm going to pony up the cash and give it a whirl and this blog will help me stay committed to the 90 day program (and hopefully longer). So, stop back to get my live feedback on the P90X workout, I'll post again as soon as I get it. if you want to know more about it direct from the source, see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System


Brian Dillon said...

Hey Joel!

I am the dude going all out over at the I am so glad that you are gonna start using the P90X. I've only been doing it a week, but I feel stronger already. The P90X is a great addition to anyone's life. Getting the blood flowing everyday just plain makes you happy. I will be looking forward to checking on your progress. Be sure to keep checking my blog @

Unknown said...

From your posts it looks like you are doing well with p90x, GOOD JOB! I just started it recently too, its been a tough battle but its definitely worth it.

Checkout my personal site at:

Right now its just a p90x review but blog posts are coming soon!

Anonymous said...

My p90x review is here: Can you add mine to your list? I have my workout journal from my first month, I'm going to start posting them daily.
x Workout Program