Wednesday, September 19, 2007

P90X Workout Week 4

I'm on week 4 and they call this the week of rest. It's really just a rest from resistance workouts. What's great is I'm on to a new workout! Core Synergistics. It's a tough one. You're going to be working multiple muscle groups at once in a fast paced workout. You do lunges, light weights, push ups, and some interesting exercises like "The Banana" and "Super Man".

I'm sure you're interested in the details of an exercise with a name like that...So here it goes. Basically, you start by laying on your back (Yoga Mat beneath you). and elevate your legs into the air a bit and your arms stretched over your head and up a bit as well. You set yourself up to look like a banana. Now you hold for about 5-10 seconds, then turn to your right side holding your arms and legs in the same position. Hold, for 5-10, and flip over onto your stomach. This time bending the knees a bit and arms angled out and above your head. Finally flip onto your left side. Then Repeat! The name says it all, picture rolling a banana across the floor. This exercise really works everything from the legs to the arms and especially the midsection.

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

P90X Workout + 2nd Job = less time for blog

Hi all,

I've recently had to take on a second job, and while I'm still going strong with the P90X Workout, unfortunately I do not have the time to post an entry each and everyday for this blog anymore. It may not seem like much but my schedule has become really hectic. Between my family, friends, work and P90X I just cannot consistently post each and everyday as planned. Sorry :( I will however continue to provide my feedback and give advice but on a less frequent basis. I'll try and shoot for a couple times a week.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

P90X Day 17 Shoulders & Arms (Ab Ripper X)

I like Shoulders & Arms. This is where you build the money muscles, your guns! As I mentioned before I'm using both the resistance bands and some of my own free weights and this is a killer combo. After this workout I always feel great. My arms are well worked out and not to mention Ab Ripper X gets your stomach in great shape. So overall, at the end all of those really "important" areas feel strong.

I've been struggling with Ab Ripper X for the last 2 weeks, there are a couple of exercise that really push you to the max. Most notably, my arch rival, "The Phifer Scissors" This is where you lay on your back put one leg straight up in the air and put the other leg straight out in front of you about an inch or two off the ground...and hold....and hold...and hold...then switch legs...and hold...and hold..and, you get the picture. It's hard and I've never made it through all 25 until now! Keep pushing yourself thats the key to the P90X Workout!

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

P90X Workout Day 16 Plometrics

All I have to say is I kicked ass in Plyometrics this week! The thing you have to keep in mind if you are just starting off is that the more you keep pushing yourself with the P90X the more you can do. This is the 3rd time I did Plyo and while it's called the mother of all P90X workouts i feel like little by little I'm getting faster, stronger and my stamina is increasing.

It's all about the little'll notice, that as you carry on with your day to day activities, you'll be doing things with ease that otherwise would have had you straining or out of breath. And this is why I started P90X in the first get in better shape, and to improve my quality of life! Take a look at Tony Horton he's in his late 40's—he looks like he is at least 10-15 years younger.

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

P90X Workout Day 15 Chest & Back (Ab Ripper X)

Chest and back is a real challenge for me in the P90X program thus far. BUT... I'm making improvements. I'm slowly uping my reps for the various push ups it has you do (diamonds, military, decline, wide arm, etc.) and I think more importantly, my form is improving. Push ups are tough for me, always have been, my goal is to overcome this obstacle and start kicking ass on push ups. Not to say that the pull ups you do in this workout are any easier :) I'm also improving in this area as well, becoming less and less reliant on the chair for support.

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

P90X Workout Day 14 Kenpo X

I've been so busy lately again I apologize for falling behind on my posts. After having a horrible day previously, I came back with a vengeance for Kenpo X! Again I just love this routine. I noticed in the video that one of the guys Tony Horton has with him for this workout tends to slack off a bit sort of lobbing his arms and legs around. Not me! I throw swift hard punches and quick kicks, I love taking advantage of this workout as a place to improve my speed and stamina.

Some folks say that Kenpo X is easy compared to the rest, I say start upping your game and get more out of it. Focus on how you punch and how you kick, get good form and get nuts with it! This P90X workout allows me to get out a lot of steam and it's simply my favorite. Interested in some details? Try this. Grab a chair and place it front of you, facing you. Now, start with your left leg and "swing kick" your leg over the chair from right to left, following behind with your right leg doing exactly the same. Now, repeat this from left to right starting with your right leg over the chair followed by your left. Just keep doing this 10-20 times! Great for coordination and if that don't make you sweat I don't know what will! I added in Ab Ripper X to this workout even though it's not part of the plan, so that I could make up for the crap day I had, I'm glad I did.

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

Sunday, September 9, 2007

P90X Workout Day 13 Legs & Back (Ab Ripper X)

You only get 1 day a week to "slip up" on the P90X, unfortunately due to the circumstances of life I couldn't squeeze the workout in for Friday. I worked overtime and came right home to meet up with my friends to have a few drinks. Well, I had a lot more than a few and woke up Saturday with a killer hang over. I REALLY wish I still had Saturday as an opportunity to take that day of rest...but this was not the case. Since I have committed myself to the P90X program that meant I had to pry myself off the couch and "Bring it". In hindsight this was a terrible decision!

Rule #1 never ever attempt to partake in a P90X workout with even the slightest hang over.

Unfortunately, this was not listed in any of the disclaimers, even if it was, I probably would have made the same mistake anyway :)

I got through a little over half of Legs & Back and found myself in a very bad place. Granted, it was a hot evening, very humid, but not so much so that it was out of the ordinary. I was soaked in sweat. I have never sweat so much in a P90X workout. I was so light headed, I began to feel dizzy and nauseous. In fact, I started getting the "spins" as if I were still intoxicated. I fought through, resisting the urge to stop the DVD, but eventually the fight between my body and my ego ended, and my body won... I had to quit. It was actually really disappointing.

If you know ahead of time that you'll be drinking with friends or be up really late, or if there is some other situation that will affect your body significantly, try to make that following day your official day of rest for the week. MAN! I want to kick myself! It's bound to happen sometime and most likely it will happen again over the course of these 90 days, but I'm going try and prepare as much as I can in advance, from now on. You live and you learn.

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

P90X Workout Day 12 Rest

Friday wound up being my day of rest. I had to work later than planned and had friends coming over right after work —I do P90X in the evening. So I had no other choice than to make this my day off. You only get 1 day off a week which is not such a big deal to me other than time is often hard to come by. I usually hang out with friends and have a few beers (light beers) :) on Fridays. I ended up drinking quite a bit and woke up Saturday with a pretty intense hang over...

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

Saturday, September 8, 2007

P90X Workout Day 11 Yoga X

The fact that the P90X program includes yoga still impresses me. But let me tell you. For all of you guys out there who think yoga is a weird religious, hippie, girly thing, think again! You are going to calmly work your ass off! Last post I called it a "calm sweating" and that really is a good description of it, in my opinion. As I mentioned before this routine is an hour and half. The first 45 min is going to have you focusing and holding positions that are quite difficult.

Try this...stand up and get your self into a position that would mimic surfing, both arms fully extended outward. Now keep your back leg the way it is but turn your front leg so that your foot is pointing forward as your arms are. Now, move that front leg forward more and bend your front knee, keep the back leg straight. Now, hold this position for a 20 count. Hard ain't it! Congratulations you just did a Warrior 2. Now, alternate sides, and do it a half dozen times and you'll start to get the picture of just how challenging yoga can be P90X style! By the end of this workout you'll feel great. You'll feel like you really got a heck of a workout but you will feel very relaxed and mentally at ease. I love it!

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

P90X Workout Day 10 Shoulders & Arms

I've been really busy lately and have fallen a bit behind with my blog posts. My apologies for those who may have been following along. That's not to say that I've fallen behind on the P90X I'm still plugging away!

Shoulders & Arms flies by the fastest out of all the workouts I've done thus far. This is where you build your biceps and triceps. Last week I used the resistance bands. This week I brought in my dumb bells. I have adjustable dumb bells, so to change weight makes it a bit tedious to have to remove and replace the metal plates. But I also found that just using the resistance bands can be a little tedious also. You have to adjust them beneath your foot so that each arm has equal resistance. Then, sometimes you have to loop them for more resistance. So I wanted to get the best of both worlds.

What I did was set my dumb bells to 20 lbs each and used them for half of the exercises, and when they get too heavy on different workouts I switch up to the bands. I don't want to scrap the resistance bands completely because they definitely engage the muscles a little differently and allow for more range of movement. This seemed like a good compromise. This week I extended my legs fully and was able to pump out far more reps on the chair tricep lift exercise! P90X is doing it's job and I'm feeling great!

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

P90X Workout Day 9 PLYOMETRICS!!!!!!!!!

I'll give you a little tip if you've yet to start the program. Day 1, is hard no matter what— it's Day 1. Day 2 you hit Plyometrics and by the end of it (if you can make it to the end) you feel like, damn, if this is an indication of what P90X is, then I'm toast! It really is that kidding. But the wonderful thing is that Plyometrics is the pinnacle of the program (from what I have seen so far). It's the hardest routine so, the beautiful thing is, once you get past it, the rest seems that much easier! Don't get me wrong, each workout is tough but, Plyo is the benchmark, and everything else falls beneath it.

This week, I actually made it through to the end, and I performed better on all the exercises! You start getting stronger right away with P90X (either that or you start to build a higher tolerance for pain). There is a particular move called Rock Star. This has to be one of the hardest. If you can imagine, jumping up with both legs (heels to your ass) and aggressively rocking out a chord on your "air guitar", then you get the picture of what the Rock Star is. You do this 10-20 times and tell me how much energy you have left :) and that's only one of like 15 exercises that you do....then repeat, again and again and again. Conquer Plyometrics, and you can crush any of the workouts guaranteed!

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

P90X Workout Day 8 Chest & Back + Ab Ripper X

Ok, I'll admit it. I didn't realize my first week that Ab Ripper X was part of Chest & is! So, if you are on day 1 (Chest & Back) don't forget the extra 15mins for Ab Ripper X or you will be shorting yourself. Chest & Back is push ups and pull ups all day long. I've been using my P90X Chin up bar and to be honest it's been a struggle. As I mentioned before I am modifying the chin-up routines with the use of a chair. When you're doing a ton of sets, you realize that just starting out, you cannot do 200 pull ups of all sorts without the modification. I look at it as temporary, I'll get there!

The push ups are not an easy task either. Tony makes you set goals, and you record the outcome in your P90X worksheet. I shoot for 10 of each set right now. I actually did 8-9. The diamond push ups are brutal. Remember to spread your legs wide on helps! The decline push ups, which have you place your legs on a chair as you do a regular push up, are EXTREMELY difficult! I can do 3-4, just a couple sets. As my arms begin to buckle, I worry about landing on my face, so I know when I have reached my limit.

Ab Ripper X. Well what can you's a beast it's going to put you to the test. It may only be 15min but, believe me, it's an intense 15min. I do as many as I can and one more! My motto has been..."Push yourself, but don't kill yourself", Tony Horton's is, "Do your best, and forget the rest" I think his rolls off the tongue a little nicer! :)

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

Sunday, September 2, 2007

P90X Workout Day 7 Kempo X

The P90X just keeps mixing it up! Never a dull moment, and their claims of being the end all be all to workouts, surprisingly isn't too far off in my opinion. Again I can't stress enough how much I love the diversity, and I suppose that helps in the "Muscle Confusion" process. you can read up on it, or preview their video here : muscle confussion >> (scroll down until you see that chart on the right). I REALLY like Kempo X. When I was younger I was into karate and used to take classes and believe it our not this really brought me back to that. Kempo X is punching and kicking all wrapped up into a cardio workout.

Everyday I feel sore, but everyday it gets better and better. My stamina is increasing and my dread to press play is slowly diminishing :). This was fun. You do high punches, low punches, uppercuts, hooks, side kicks, back kicks, front kicks, blocking, elbows, you name! You can sort of set your own pace with this workout, but you need to make sure your heart is going fast enough to where you are getting the required workout (don't worry, if you're just starting out that will be easy.) A heart rate monitor may come handy in a couple weeks to ensure, as Tony Horton puts it, "I'm in the zone". This hour long workout flew by, I really got into it and that took my mind off of the workout itself—in fact I didn't even really take any of the alloted mini breaks! But, that is me, and perhaps I'm just more suited for this type of workout. I'll say it again, push yourself but don't kill yourself, let your body adjust to all of this.

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

P90X Workout Day 6 Rest

If you were unaware you do get 1 day of rest per week (or you can do x stretch). I started Monday and should have taken my day of rest Sunday but I went with Saturday instead. Not sure if that goes against P90X policy but I thats what I did anyway :).

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

Saturday, September 1, 2007

P90X Workout Day 5 Legs & Back

Either I have very weak hamstrings or the P90X Workout intends to annihilate your legs right in the first week! :) Legs & Back alternates between lunges and squat routines, and pull ups of all sorts. Again I really think you'll want to grab the P90X Chin Up Bar as opposed to using the resistance bands, as you would need something up above to loop them on to make it work. I can do 8 regular reverse pull ups any old day if you ask me but, wide arm pull ups, close hand pull ups, man they are hard! Not to mention doing them over and over and over again, which is exactly what you do in this workout! So for now as I build my upper body strength I take Tony Horton's suggestion and grab a chair for a little extra support, which I find, as start in on this, it really helps to get better form.

In every workout it's you, Tony, and 3 other people. Each of them will show modified techniques to the routine you're doing at the given moment. Again, I advise not to try and be super man (super woman) right away. You'll be very disappointed when you cannot do 20 wide arm pull ups right off the bat. Your form is very important, it really is quality over quantity. If you can accept the fact that you may have to modify the tough routines (lose your ego) a bit at first, as they show you in the DVD, you will end up doing a lot better. You won't get so discouraged and you'll work your way up gradually through the program.

This DVD has you doing a ton of lunges and a few wall routines that KILL the hamstrings. You position your back against the wall and pretend as if you are sitting on an invisible chair, your thighs parallel to the floor. Go ahead and give it a try holding it for 30 seconds! it's no walk in the park, especially when you switch off to only one leg later in the workout! Towards the end you do some calf workouts as well. Overall my legs have been really sore, the P90X Workout takes no prisoners so get in the zone and get ready for war!

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System