Saturday, September 1, 2007

P90X Workout Day 5 Legs & Back

Either I have very weak hamstrings or the P90X Workout intends to annihilate your legs right in the first week! :) Legs & Back alternates between lunges and squat routines, and pull ups of all sorts. Again I really think you'll want to grab the P90X Chin Up Bar as opposed to using the resistance bands, as you would need something up above to loop them on to make it work. I can do 8 regular reverse pull ups any old day if you ask me but, wide arm pull ups, close hand pull ups, man they are hard! Not to mention doing them over and over and over again, which is exactly what you do in this workout! So for now as I build my upper body strength I take Tony Horton's suggestion and grab a chair for a little extra support, which I find, as start in on this, it really helps to get better form.

In every workout it's you, Tony, and 3 other people. Each of them will show modified techniques to the routine you're doing at the given moment. Again, I advise not to try and be super man (super woman) right away. You'll be very disappointed when you cannot do 20 wide arm pull ups right off the bat. Your form is very important, it really is quality over quantity. If you can accept the fact that you may have to modify the tough routines (lose your ego) a bit at first, as they show you in the DVD, you will end up doing a lot better. You won't get so discouraged and you'll work your way up gradually through the program.

This DVD has you doing a ton of lunges and a few wall routines that KILL the hamstrings. You position your back against the wall and pretend as if you are sitting on an invisible chair, your thighs parallel to the floor. Go ahead and give it a try holding it for 30 seconds! it's no walk in the park, especially when you switch off to only one leg later in the workout! Towards the end you do some calf workouts as well. Overall my legs have been really sore, the P90X Workout takes no prisoners so get in the zone and get ready for war!

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System


DavidJ said...

Keep pushing play! You are doing great! Wait until week 8! You won't beleive your improvement mentally, physically, and spritually. Keep going!

Do your best and forget the rest!

You logging into WOWY when you workout?

Dave Daikeler

Joel Varone said...

Hey David,

Thanks so much for the support! I got past week 1 and I'm still pressing play!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your responses! Just trying to keep at it, first week is tough! Sorry I did not respond earlier getting used to doing a blog. Thanks for the support!
P90x Workout Program