Wednesday, September 12, 2007

P90X Workout Day 14 Kenpo X

I've been so busy lately again I apologize for falling behind on my posts. After having a horrible day previously, I came back with a vengeance for Kenpo X! Again I just love this routine. I noticed in the video that one of the guys Tony Horton has with him for this workout tends to slack off a bit sort of lobbing his arms and legs around. Not me! I throw swift hard punches and quick kicks, I love taking advantage of this workout as a place to improve my speed and stamina.

Some folks say that Kenpo X is easy compared to the rest, I say start upping your game and get more out of it. Focus on how you punch and how you kick, get good form and get nuts with it! This P90X workout allows me to get out a lot of steam and it's simply my favorite. Interested in some details? Try this. Grab a chair and place it front of you, facing you. Now, start with your left leg and "swing kick" your leg over the chair from right to left, following behind with your right leg doing exactly the same. Now, repeat this from left to right starting with your right leg over the chair followed by your left. Just keep doing this 10-20 times! Great for coordination and if that don't make you sweat I don't know what will! I added in Ab Ripper X to this workout even though it's not part of the plan, so that I could make up for the crap day I had, I'm glad I did.

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your responses! Just trying to keep at it, first week is tough! Sorry I did not respond earlier getting used to doing a blog. Thanks for the support!
P90x Workout Program