Wednesday, September 12, 2007

P90X Workout Day 15 Chest & Back (Ab Ripper X)

Chest and back is a real challenge for me in the P90X program thus far. BUT... I'm making improvements. I'm slowly uping my reps for the various push ups it has you do (diamonds, military, decline, wide arm, etc.) and I think more importantly, my form is improving. Push ups are tough for me, always have been, my goal is to overcome this obstacle and start kicking ass on push ups. Not to say that the pull ups you do in this workout are any easier :) I'm also improving in this area as well, becoming less and less reliant on the chair for support.

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System

1 comment:

Darren Castanon said...

Yeah, i was looking about any program to rip my body and got your blog, really very interesting. I think p90x can help me to lose my weight and i can make my body ripped and 6 pack abs. Nice posting here. thanks