Wednesday, September 19, 2007

P90X Workout Week 4

I'm on week 4 and they call this the week of rest. It's really just a rest from resistance workouts. What's great is I'm on to a new workout! Core Synergistics. It's a tough one. You're going to be working multiple muscle groups at once in a fast paced workout. You do lunges, light weights, push ups, and some interesting exercises like "The Banana" and "Super Man".

I'm sure you're interested in the details of an exercise with a name like that...So here it goes. Basically, you start by laying on your back (Yoga Mat beneath you). and elevate your legs into the air a bit and your arms stretched over your head and up a bit as well. You set yourself up to look like a banana. Now you hold for about 5-10 seconds, then turn to your right side holding your arms and legs in the same position. Hold, for 5-10, and flip over onto your stomach. This time bending the knees a bit and arms angled out and above your head. Finally flip onto your left side. Then Repeat! The name says it all, picture rolling a banana across the floor. This exercise really works everything from the legs to the arms and especially the midsection.

If you want to learn more about the P90X workout or want to give it a try see the link below:

P90X Home Workout System


ShesHard said...

Hi - thanks for sharing your P90X experience. I'm starting the program next week and also plan to blog about it. I hope you don't mind that I added a link to your site.

Joel Varone said...

no not at all! Good luck it's tough but will get you looking and feeling great!

Wudpkr said...

I too will start the "rest" week on monday and am looking forward to it..I think I'll blog about it from now too..thanks for the encouragement..

Unknown said...

I started P90X 3 weeks ago. I'm looking forward to my recovery week.
I have a blog as well. Just 90 days

here's my RSS feed as well. Just 90 daysI'll follow your progress good luck!

Unknown said...

I'd like to thank you for blogging about your P90X experience. You've motivated me to take on the challenge and I'm currently on day 3 :). I'm looking constantly looking for advice and motivation, and I'd like it if you follow my progress.


Editor said...

Are you still doing P90X?


Editor said...

Are you still doing P90X?


Darren Castanon said...

I too will start the "rest" week on monday and am looking forward to it..I think I'll blog about it from now too..thanks for the encouragement..
Have a look to know more about p90x workout program...

cheleymooore121 said...

I'm sure you're interested in the details of an exercise with a name like that...So here it goes. Basically, you start by laying on your back. and elevate your legs into the air a bit and your arms stretched over your head and up a bit as well.
Max Burn Funciona
Perfect Radiance